Gorge on the Danube River - Visit The Iron Gate on river Danube - U poseti Djerdapskoj Klisuri na Dunavu


Povratak na početak reportaže: Istočna Srbija

Gorge on the Danube River

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Danube river facts: Gorge on the Danube River, The gorge lies between Romania in the north and Serbia in the south. At this point, the river separates the southern Carpathian Mountains from the northwestern foothills of the Balkan Mountains. The Romanian and Hungarian names, Porţile de Fier and Vaskapu, literally mean "Iron Gates" and are indeed used to name the entire range of gorges. An alternative Romanian name for the last part of the route is Clisura Dunării, "Danube Gorge". In Serbia the gorge is known as Đerdap, with the last part named Đerdapska klisura. The Romania side of the gorge constitutes the Iron Gate natural park, on the other bank, in Serbia, is located the Đerdap national park.